Product Details
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"The HGH Fragment is a modified form of amino acids 176-191 of the human Growth Hormone (GH) polypeptide. This peptide, as the name implies, is a piece of the 191 amino chain that makes up growth hormone, from positions 176 through 191 to be exact. This fragment has been shown to induce lipolysis, or fat breakdown, and even inhibits lipogenesis, which is the transformation of food materials into fat stored in the body. Research studies have shown that these happens both to humans and to animals. This short amino-acid chain that make up Fragment 176 is only about 10% of the length of the entire strand of growth hormone and seems to have no other typical positive or negative effects that growth hormone does such as actual growth of tissues or insulin resistance. Storage of Reconstituted Peptides Once the peptides have been mixed or reconstituted into a liquid solution they must be refridgerated at a temperature of between 2-8c. If stored at room temperature they may begin to degrade after as little as 24 hours. Therefore we recommend storing them in the fridge as soon as possible after mixing. Stored in the fridge they will remain potent for around 8 weeks before beginning to degrade."
Strength :
Muscle Gain :
Fat / Water Loss :
Side Effects :
Keep Gains :